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Gallery for Serie: The short way home...

The water garden, maison Claude Monet Le vieux port de Honfleur Picnic on Juno Beach Shona having Belgian chocolate for desert! Le Mont-St-Michel Le chateau de Chenonceau Le chateau de Chenonceau Collonges-la-Rouge The grapes of Collonges Conques The bridge was no wider than the car... The house in Restinclières Stacy and Shona checking the local grapes I am in paradise! Jean-Luc and Shona comparing their beers The garden in Restinclières The bulls are kept in the toril This one is having at the fence... Bull is not impressed... The bull is going for the raseteur Getting close to the bulls... Stacy and Shona at Le Grand Travers Sky Surfing Shona and Jean-Luc having a beer Stacy on the beach... Map Stacy biking hard The grapes of Puligny-Montrachet Le Chateau Pommard Stacy sampling the local goods Picnic in Puligny-Montrachet Wine tasting in Meursault It's getting hard to bike straight Shona tasting some Pommard Pommard The hills of Sancerre 2 cases of Sancerre Reorganizing the car to fit more wine Caves Mercier Caves Mercier Caves Mercier The different size of bottles for Champagne Catherine et Stéphane Catherine, Jean-Luc and Stéphane Stéphane, Catherine, Shona, Stacy Stéphane and a few bottles... Drinking an Orval at L'Ange Gardien Orval Monastery Orval Monastery Victor, uncle JL and Séverine Frédérique Lunch at home with the whole family Vineyards of Wachau Melk Monastery Carlos and Yves Melk Monastery Melk Monastery My favourite Art Nouveau house in Vienna Mozart