Leaving home again... The hardest part about travelling is to leave, its well know. After almost two months in the cosy comfort of the family home, during which I got the logistics of the trip together — visas, vaccines, plane ticket, etc... — I am on the road again... I had a short stay (4 days) in Vienna to visit my friends Carlos and Yves.
Within hours of my arrival Yves had organized a dinner party whith some of his friends, some of whom I had met before and some who are new friends now. The chili dinner was great and Christoph kept on making memorable fruit punches with Tequilla. Needless to say, the next morning was a little slow but we managed to kick ourselves out of bed and went exploring the Wachau region. A beautiful valley along the Danube with vineyards on terraces built way up the hills. There was a bit of snow on the hills, which was nice, but in the spring it must be gorgeous.
We went to the little town of Melk Which has a beautiful monastery that overlooks the town. It was recently restored and they did an amazing job of it. It was a cold day, so we didn't stay out in the streets for too long. The rest of my stay in Vienna was spent mostly hanging out with people and going for dinner, but I managed to get a good day of walking around Vienna alone and connecting a lot of the places that Christoph had shown me on my previous visit. Since I had a great tour guide at the time, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and this was a good opportunity to put the big picture together in my head. Finally Yves dropped me at the airport in the evening of Oct 28, and I boarded a flight to Tehran via Dubai... The adventure truly begins here and I am sure that I will have lots of interesting things to report from Iran...